This is a picture, taken, of a pie’s potential, before a taste is taken, all of its attributes tantalizingly dancing around, many scenarios battling for supremacy, the chance that it could fall short in flavor, texture, or taste, opposed to the possibility that it could make someone’s day unexpectedly, all these and many more balanced precariously on a knife’s edge as it plunges down towards cleaving the first slice…
Monthly Archives: November 2009
Pachinko Christmas
This is a picture, not taken, while driving on a downward sloping interstate highway, of 3 vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed with their hazard blinkers on,weaving in and out of traffic,at the same time as others periodically changing lanes,making the highway field look like the red and yellow lights of a Christmas tree and the cars look like Pachinko balls bouncing back and forth as they fall towards Austin…
Football dog
This is a picture, not taken, of a woman carrying around a small, black poodle like a football, nestled snugly in her arm, the dog looking around as people unknowingly jostled into it, more intent on shopping than the welfare of an innocent creature…
Pink Superman Jesus
This is a picture, not taken, of a large, heavy-set man browsing a display case of hats, picking up the bright-pink baseball cap with both the Superman logo and the word Jesus on it and contemplate trying in on…