The group went down to Pease Park today. I can see why they want to close Pease down for disc golfers. There is no grass anywhere! The millions of people that have walked around here have destroyed all of the ground cover. And with all of the trees, the slow growing grass does not have a chance get grow back.
This is the first time that our group has played singles. Curt suggested it and noone disagreed. Oh, and Curt brought his dog, Mingus, with him as well.

Rehana lost her disc up in the tree in hole 2. We called out for our super-hero to save us. Unfortunately, no one responded! I wonder where the masked man went to? “Stick Man” Adam was forced to rip off a branch from a poor unsuspecting tree and knock the disc down.
And on this hole, we had our first animal hit and run. John threw his disc, the disc hit the ground, skipped up, and hit a dog. Who then whimpered very loudly and ran to its owner. It was inevitable I guess. Too many people walking their dogs around here.
My best shot was within range of hole 3. A birdieable putt for sure… but, sadly, I missed….
We went to Hula Hut for lunch afterwards. Good food, but still lacking in spinach. John brought out a deck of cards while we were waiting and we played one hand of mini-bridge. I had the most points (in AKQJ cards) so I was the declarer. Rehana put her cards down and showed me KJ09 and some other diamond cards. I had the Ace and Queen so of course diamonds were trump. Mini-Bridge is interesting and all, but I don’t think it will replace Tichu in its greatness.