Monthly Archives: July 2008

Bridge 07/15/2008


Nick was not able to attend tonight. Fortunately, he was nice enough to set up a Renkoo invite so that others could still join. And three did. I did learn afterward that you can indeed raise your previous bid if everyone else passed.

The date is 07/15/2008

The players are:

North East South West
Wayne Dummy JohnH MarkH
A Q 6 4 3
A 9 8 7 2
10 5


W         E


10 6 K Q 3
K 9 7 6 4 2 J 10 8
Q J 7 10 9 6 5 4 2
K 9 8 7 2
J 5 4
5 3
A K 8

Bidding was as follows:

North East South West
pass pass 1♠ 2
2 pass 2♠ 3
pass pass 3♠ pass

A 10 was then led.

The score turned out to be 5

Dummy paired with JohnH

A 9 7 6
A K Q 8 6
Q 9 6
A K Q 9 8 7 3


W         E


6 4
Q J 3 K 8 5 4
2 5 4 3
K 4 10 8 5 2
10 5 2
10 2
J 10 9 7
A J 7 3

Bidding was as follows:

South West North East
pass 1♠ 2 pass
pass 2♠ 3 pass
pass 3♠ 4 pass
pass 4♠ pass pass

A Q was then led.

The score turned out to be -1

Dummy paired with MarkH

J 10 3 2
10 9 8 5 2
8 6 4
A 8 6


W         E


K Q 7 5
A J 3 Q 7 6
Q J 5 2 K 9
A J 8 Q 10 6 5
9 4
K 4
A 10 7 3
9 7 4 3 2

Bidding was as follows:

West North East South
1♠ pass pass 2♣
2nt 3 pass pass
3nt pass pass pass

A 8 was then led.

The score turned out to be 5

Dummy paired with MarkH

Q 4 2
Q J 9 8 6 5 2
10 6
A 8


W         E


K J 10 7 5 3
A 8 7 6 4 J 10 5 3
K 4 A
A Q J 5 8 2
9 6
K Q 9
10 7 3
K 9 7 4 3

Bidding was as follows:

North East South West
2 pass 2 2nt
3 pass 3 4
pass pass pass pass

A 6♣ was then led.

The score turned out to be 5

Dummy paired with MarkH. How odd, could not reraise myself?

K 7 6 3
J 10 4
A 8
Q J 8 2
A 4 2


W         E


9 8 5
Q 7 6 K 3 2
Q J 4 2 K 7 5
10 9 5 A K 7 3
Q J 10
A 9 8 5
10 9 6 3
6 4

Bidding was as follows:

South West North East
1 2 3♣ pass
3 3nt 4♣ pass
pass pass pass pass

An A was then led.

The score turned out to be -1

Dummy paired with Wayne. It is amusing when you bid a higer suit and then, when
we reveal the dummy’s next card, that it is in the suit.

J 6
K 10 8 5 3
7 5 4
10 5 4
9 8 7 4


W         E


A 5 3
J 4 2 A Q 9 7
10 6 3 K 8 2
A Q 7 J 9 2
K Q 10 2
A Q J 9
K 8 6 3

Bidding was as follows:

West North East South
1♣ 1 pass 2♣
pass 2nt pass 3♣
pass pass pass pass

A 2 was then led.

The score turned out to be 3

Dummy paired with JohnH.


Gallery of sawn in half cameras link via

The website is down (NSFW) link via

‘Ghost’ Photos through Quantum Physics link via

Grand Central Sunspots link via

Making Art with Javascript link via

A bike for the final frontier link via

How messed up is this? link via

Food photography link via

Animation techniques used in Wall-E link via

Never underestimate cheap, easy or stupid in home maintenance link via

How tiny Tim became a pitching giant link via

Creative Food Sculptures link via

MOE link via

Grass photo link via

The Death of Gallium link via

Dymaxion map link via

Coincidence Photography link via

Visible supersonic shock waves link via

A soccer team scores on itself to potentially get into the finals link via

The Economic Organisation of a P.O.W. Camp link via

This is Mushroom kingdom! link via

Van Gogh’s Starry Night in Second Life link via

Hamzy link via

Employees Only link via

Western Spaghetti link via

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Massacre link via

Unnecessary censorship link via

robotic duck that poops pictures link via

Construction parade

Construction Equipment

Man, construction is booming around this area. A house was quickly torn down and a huge field was cleared. I guess some medical complexes are going up here. Click on the picture for the big version.

Weird sculptures

Weird sculptures

I drove all the way out to Copeland, Texas for some Bar-B-Que. The original B.B.Q. plans fell through and I was jonesing for some. FM-1660 is quite the twisting and narrow road. It wanders from Jonah through Hutto to just Northwest of Copeland. The B.B.Q. turned out to be a disappointment, but I did pass a weird park or memorial or showcase or something.

Disc Golf 07/12/2008

Dam Construction

The dam continues being slowly constructed. I wonder if you are going to be able to walk on the top of it since there is obviously a sidewalk further down the face of the dam. If not, I wonder how that will change the O.S.P.W.’s hole 3 and O.S.P.’s hole 16 since that is where the tees are located?

Hole 8
Hole 9

I got two back to back birdies. The first I can’t believe it made it in. I threw it up so high, I thought it would hit the branches of the trees. But it didn’t.

D&D Shadowfall Keep (part 2)


Tonight we explored the keep a little further. We actually did a little bit of tactics this time. We fell back and range struck a slow slime. Well, until our magic user was a little too slow.

Map part 1
Map part 2

My Warlock is turning out to be quite powerful. Usually, there are a bunch of one hit to kill minions that are associated with a boss monster. I found out that I could curse a minion, watch it die easily, and then gain 4 temporary hit points. These hit points last until the encounter is over and they accumulate. While my AC is not the best, the temporary hit points could be a good substitute.

Evil Dungeon Master

Our evil Dungeon Master was unsuccessful in killing our party off this time!

Game Day 07/10/2008

Game #1


The group started off with McMulti. Which Ed has never played! And, of course, after we had finished, Ed spots numerous rules mistakes. So sad. But nothing major was broken since all of the players are affected equally. It did have the effect of causing more news events than should have happened. News is almost always a bad thing. And in this game, it really reduced us to the bare bones. But I was eventually able to slowly work my way out of the hole and build up a gas selling economy. I was able to buy cheap gas on the Foreign and Domestic markets and sell it to the Consumer market. I was pretty much unstoppable at this point and everyone called the game.


After not completing the previous game, we tried for a game of Tichu. But even this game was not completed. Sigh.

07/10/2008 The scorecard for a game of Tichu

GT or T bet made or lost

This team scored more points than the other or one twoed

GT/T Team #1 GT/T GT/T Team #2 GT/T
MarkH & DougG Ed & Jon
  30   T+

Dan’s Hobbit

Apparently, if you search on this URL:, you get this return code:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 GMT
Content-Length: 87.1 GB
Content-Type: application/quicktime;type=entry;charset=”utf-8″
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<entry xmlns=””>
<title>Dan’s Hobbit Destroys You</title>
<author><name>Dan Becker</name></author>
<content>A cool video.</content>

Bridge 07/08/2008

Eric and Wayne

The date is 07/08/2008

The players are:

North East South West
Eric Wayne Nick MarkH
J 10 3 2
A 8 6 5 4
A 6
J 10
A Q 7 4


W         E


J 7 K 10 3 2
10 3 K J 8 2
A Q 8 6 3 K 9 4 2
K 9 8 5
Q 9
Q 9 7 5 4
7 5

Bidding was as follows:

West North East South
1♣ 2 3 pass
4♣ pass pass pass

An A was then led.

The score turned out to be 4

Wayne replies ‘I was only following the chart.’
I think that he should have bid 2 to indicate ‘a new suit’.
But I made it anyway.

A K J 7
Q 8 4
J 9 8 7
Q 4


W         E


Q 10 9 6 5 4 3
K 9 6 5 3
A K Q 10 6 5 3 4 2
7 3 A J
A J 10 7 2
K 10 9 8 6 5 2

Bidding was as follows:

North East South West
1♠ 2♠ double 3
pass pass 3 4
pass pass pass pass

A K♠ was then led.

The score turned out to be -2

Wayne replies ‘I bid it wrong.’

A 10 3 2
J 5 4
A J 10 4 3
K 9 5 4


W         E


10 8 7 2 A J 6 5 3
Q 8 K 10 9 3
K 8 7 9 6 5
Q J 8 6
Q 9 4
A 7 6 2
Q 2

Bidding was as follows:

East South West North
pass pass pass 1♣
double redouble pass pass
1 redouble pass 2♣
pass 2 pass pass
pass pass pass pass

A 2 was then led.

The score turned out to be 2

K 9 8 5
A 5
K Q 4 2
K 10 2
J 7 6 3 2


W         E


Q 10 4
9 8 7 4 K J 6
9 A 10 3
J 6 4 A 9 7 5
Q 10 3 2
J 8 7 6 5
Q 8 3

Bidding was as follows:

South West North East
pass pass 1 1♠
3 3♠ double 3nt
double pass pass pass

A 6 was then led.

The score turned out to be -4

Wayne replies ‘This is weird.’

9 6
A K 10 9 3
Q J 10 9 4
J 7 2


W         E


K 5 3
7 5 4 3 A K Q J 9
7 5 4 J
A 8 5 7 6 3 2
A Q 10 8 4
8 6 2
Q 8 6 2

Bidding was as follows:

West North East South
pass 1♣ 1 1♠
pass 2♣ pass 2♠
pass pass pass pass

A 4 was then led.

Game Day 07/05/2008

Game #1

For Sale

Ed held a somewhat spontaneous game day during the holiday weekend. So attendance was rather low. But I didn’t mind since I was able to play games that I liked. I arrived just in time to play For Sale. It is a quick filler game that should not be sold.

Game #2

Wabash Cannonball

Ed and Susan went off to play some Ameritrash game. But fortunately, Wabash Cannonball was easy to bring to the table. And it is a quick game too. Or at least it can be when everyone has played it before. My only failure is getting this game played immediately again. Apparently, people don’t see the many different outcomes and there are too many other games to choose from for the next game.

Game #3

King of Siam

But we played this interesting three player game. It was a tight game. First the yellow then blue then red then back to blue factions looked like they would end up on top. Paul backed the red faction too much. None of us could contest ownership from him so we both conspired another color to win. In the end, the yellow faction would win. I needed to get ahead of the other guy so that he would be forced to play his card after me. I ended up out of cards. And he could not play his last card because we would be tied in ownership and the last tie breaker was that the person who played the card last would lose. So he could do nothing but watch the battle resolve and let me win.

Game #4a
Game #4b


I was happy when Imperial hit the table. I initially screwed up on the rules explanation and forgot that money is deposited in the country’s bank during taxation. We figured that out when every country’s bank was run dry. Fortunately, we only taxed once this game. So we played the correct way on the next turn.

This game has one flaw to it (ignoring that slow players turn this into a long game): you can lose ownership of any country. You then have nothing to do but watch while others play the game. This should not be a bad thing. As long as whoever takes control of your country runs it correctly, you will not lose standing in the game. You should have money in hand and sit and bide your time to buy any share you want. There are threads on the geek about this. Unfortunately for both Ed and Susan, I wrested control from them towards the end of the game. They went off to play a two player game and I ensured that they could not make enough money to be a threat to me. When the game ended, they both tied for second place.

I hope this experience did not sour Ed and Susan to put Imperial on their trade list.

Viva Pamplona

We finished off the night with a quick game of Viva Pamplona. It is a light and thematic game. And I was lucky enough to be able to roll dice that could ensure that I bully a lot of people around for victory points. The bull was just not cooperating for the other way to get victory points. He quickly ran off at the end leaving everyone but Susan out of the stadium. My hoards of bravery points easily gave me the win.