High Society

I played 6 games of High Society today during lunch and it was fun. They were quick, rapid fire, played in succession games. As we played each game, a “group mind-think” started to form on what certain items were worth and to not spend all of your low cards, and to mind “gaps” that form when money is gone from the game. Towards the end, we had all reserved our four highest cards and we were passing on later numbered items after spending all the we thought we could get away with. In the last game, a 2X doubler was completely passed on by everyone and then a final 2X doubler was passed on Mike and Dan. I had two money cards left in my hand. I needed to buy it to win so I spent my lowest cash card. Unfortunately, that moved me into a tie for the lowest remaining money and I lost the game! If I had only saved a 1 or 2 dollar cash card. I could have bought that doubler and won. Oh well, it was fun.