Game Day 08/05/2009

Game #1

Dominion: Intrigue

We started off with yet another filler of Dominion: Intrigue. And yet another meh playing.

Game #2


Luckily, everyone was interested in playing Phoenicia. It has been too long since I have played this game. And I suffered for it. Instead of building up my income immediately, I bid on, and won, a dyer card. I had my sights set on Cloth Making and not on profitability. Unfortunately, it took me the entire game to recover from that setback. The R.O.I. (return on investment) nature of this can also amplify a slow start into a much slower purchasing power. Unfortunately, I probably cannot get game to the table again.

Game #3a
Game #3b

Ra: The Dice Game

We finished up with the Ra dice game. It is pretty thematic to the original game. However, there is no bidding aspect to it. So you can’t always call Ra when it your turn and you have low tiles. Which means that this game has a different feel to it.