Cream Biscuits

Cream Biscuits ingredients

I came across this recipe from SmittenKitchen about an easy way to make biscuits and I had to try it. There are just five ingredients (well four if you don’t top it off with melted butter). You sift together flour, salt, and baking powder and then mix in heavy cream. The only problem that I have with this recipe is that it doesn’t mix smoothly or evenly. At least when I tried it by hand with a spatula. I’ll have to try it on a stand mixer the next time.

Baked in pan

The first time I made this, I just plopped down the dough onto a pan, sliced it with a knife and then put it into the oven. Unfortunately, it is not easy for the steam to escape using this method. The cooked biscuits are easy to stick in the freezer and the reheat later in a toaster oven.

Frozen biscuits

The next time I tried freezing the raw dough after I cut out a circle and topped it with melted butter.

Cooked Biscuit

You place a single frozen biscuit in a preheated toaster oven set to 350 and cook for 10-15 minutes. And it comes out like this! Which is best topped by sorghum syrup.

These biscuits are extremely tender. Perhaps too tender. I think you need to mix the batter more to encourage development of gluten.