
Rock Paper Scissors 15 link via

Sculptures peeing quotes link via

In order to believe that George Bush won the November 2, 2004 presidential election, you must also believe all of the following extremely improbable or outright impossible things link via

Honeybees that defend their colonies by killing wasps with body heat come within 5 degrees C of cooking themselves in the process link via

Katamari Damaci cake link via

How to open a masterlock with a beer can link via

Dungeons and Dragons ad link via

Sledge hammer keyboard link via

Gun vending machine link via

Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride was shot with a Canon EOS-1D link via

What if you actually bought spam penny stocks? link via

House that can float in a flood link via

Two pit bulls take on a bull link1 link2 via

For $7000, an airline is offering unlimited flight for 2 months. Someone tried to get one million miles link via

At the maximum human metabolic rate, something like a continuous Olympic-class 50-meter dash exertion level, you could go for a full 12 minutes without taking a breath link via