Game Day 12/17/2005

Ginger bread house

Another gaming day in South Oklahoma. There were some popular games out to play and a gingerbread house.

Game #1


On Thursday, we planned to play a four player game of Antiquity at the start. And this was a very good thing since I stayed with the same players pretty much throughout the day. We played all meaty games and avoided being stuck in a fluffy game.

Antiquity is an interesting game and one where I wished that I ordered it when it was in print. Currently, one store is selling it for $150! It is a game of resource building. And when you have the rules explained to you, you think to yourself: “everything connects and makes sense.” For example, you man a cart house and place a person on a forrest tile. Then, that tile and all surrounding forrest tiles are replaced with grassland tiles, and then a tree resouce is placed on top of the grassland tiles. Once a turn you take a tree resource. When the last resource is taken, the person comes back into your supply. Then, you can man a cart house and place a person on that grassland tile. You can have this person plant wheat, wine, olives, or sheep. Then you place a pollution marker and the appropriate resource on all surrounding grassland tiles. You take a resource per turn until exhaused. Tiles that have pollution cannot produce again. Also, each city you have produces 3 pollution that you have to place in empty tiles that you can reach. This slowly starves the board.

Another thing that you have to worry about is famine. Famine increases throughout the game. If you do not have enough food then you have to place graves in your city. You may be forced to put graves over your buildings which disables them.

Game #2


Ah, Caylus. The most hyped game eva! And I am glad that I played it. We had four people that knew the rules already and played rather quickly. This was a good thing. I concentrated on the victory favor track. I made one mistake during the game by spending my last dollar and not reserving one for the favor tile. I almost pulled a Marty. Fortunately, I was able to drop out first the next round to receive a dollar. Adam chose to end the game early when he realized that he could not beat me and he did not want to allow another turn for others to beat him.

Game #3


Fortunately, Marty brought Neuland and suggested that we play it. This was on my play list for a while now. I hope that they reprint it with better graphics sometime.

This is an interesting game where you spend action points to move your marker around a track on the board. You must end up on an unoccupied spot and also must be behind where you started previously. The most action points that you can spend is 10. Sometimes it is possible to spend a couple of action points, finish your turn. And then have it be your turn again.