Coffee art link
Flying lawnmower link
Worst driving directions ever link
Cell phone for pets link
OS-tan link
Dragon sculpture that looks at you link
Star Trek communicator that uses Bluetooth to connect to cell phone link
Creative Commons License link
300 Mile club link
New neighbors and their screaming kids link
Jerry Garcia’s autopsy reenactment link
Don’t ask why you are subscribed to a mailing list link
Sort books by color link1 link2
Fish highway link
Crane rescues a crane that tried to rescue a car in a lakelink
Retiree cashes in 1.4M pennies link
Geek tattoo link
Why things taste like chicken link
How to make a hand turkey link
RFC morals link
Spending the day with beer instead of water link
The Saturn Evening Post’s Norman Roswell link
Tokyo’s flood water control link
Turn an Accura NX into a Ferrari link
Clock printed on paper link
internet hunting link
Soviet space battle station link
The history of Kiev’s fortifications link
Practical jokes link
Winamp buyout regrets link
Science textbook disclaimers link
Too much house for a family? link
Citron C4 transformer link
Jet powered Porta Potty link
Dodecahedron calendar link
Landmine detecting plants link
Subservient stickman link
Turduckeneasquail link
Rant on faith versus science link
Colledge football prank link
Army robots are now armed link
Reconstructing text on computer screens from diffusely reflected light link
By the time you read this, it will have been too late link
Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics link
The Christmas Price Index link