As we were waiting for people to show, Adam dealt out a mini-bridge hand. With the point count being 16 (Mark), 4 (Mike), 7 (Adam), and 13 (Dummy), I got the bid. With this many points between myself and the dummy, Adam would not let me bid low. So I was forced to bid game in a minor suit (which means all of the tricks except for 2). My combined hand was: AKQ76542 K85432 AKJ9862 AKQ05. I called clubs as trump. Mike lead the three of hearts. Which I won. When I started trying to run out trumps, I had a bad split. Mike was able to win a trick with the Jack of clubs. One mistake that I made was discarding the two of diamonds which I needed to keep to protect my king of diamonds. So I ended up being set.
While we waited for Tim and Mary to show up, we played three quick games of Call My Bluff. I made one dumb mistake when it was down to two players. Sigh…
Chapel went off to play the fluffier game of Andromeda while Tim, Adam, and myself played Funkenschlag. I missed playing this game. I spent most of the game going first. Mainly because I would connect to more cities than I needed to (or could power for that matter). But I was doing so to stop others from cutting me off or getting there first for a cheaper connection fee. Towards the end of the game, I was running just a little short of money. So I couldn’t end it. And then I made the classic mistake of not guaranteeing resources to power your plants. I noticed during the power plant auction that Adam was going to buy resources before me and he would buy all of the oil away from me so that my big oil plant wouldn’t power any cities. So I bought the fusion plant to replace it for 62 dollars. Adam was thinking of buying all of the coal away from me as well but decided against it when he thought that he couldn’t afford to both buy coal and connect to 20 cities. In the end, Adam and I could both connect to and power 20 cities. And Adam broke the tie by having more money left over at the end.
However, if I would have protected my oil plant by buying extra resources and not bought another power plant, I would have easily won the game. I was worried that Adam would connect to and power more than 20 cities. So thats why I bought the fusion plant. I only discarded the oil plant when I realized that Adam could have hosed me (the bastard!).
Still, I am glad that I played it and it was a fun game.