Game Day 05/24/2007

Game #1

Mini Bridge

While we were waiting for everyone to show up, Adam dealt out a hand of mini bridge. And I was the lucky person with 12 points. Sadly, I didn’t turn on the big halogen light and get the aperture up to f/8.0 so that you can see my dummy’s support. But it wasn’t much: two spades and no Aces. So, I bid the minimum spade bid and ran trump when the second heart was led. Adam commented that I should have promoted my club King since I had the Queen in the dummy. Sigh. I should have.

Game #2

Guatemala Cafe

John brought out a new game by Eggert Spiele. This game has a theme, but it plays dry and turns into an abstract game. My mistake was teaming with Jon on my left. Jon had created a black plantation on his first turn. And I did as well on my first turn. Then, he had placed black ships in the corresponding port to increase the multiplier. Next he had tried to score black a couple of times but other players blocked it. However, it can only be blocked so many times. So I thought that I was finally going to score. Adam never gave me a chance to score myself. I could only set up Jon to score it. But I knew that Jon was not going to score it again in the game. Even though it was his highest scoring opportunity with 16 points. I even left black people on the board so he could catch up to my potential score which had not changed the entire game.

Sigh. You can’t do all of the work alone in this game. You need to team up with others. But when that person actively denies their own scoring, you are hosed.


Jon had the mojo tonight for stopping non-desperation GrandTichu calls. On the first stoppage, Adam was left with three Aces and a Phoenix. Apparently, he should have played pair of aces, pair of aces, dog instead of dog.

Game #4


Another game of Battlelore while we waited for Rehana to show up and another game of how sucky can the dice roll for me. Ugh.