Game Day 06/30/2005

Game #1


Mike stoped in Dragon’s Lair and bought another new game today. We played as the first game of the night. The goal of the game is to score points, either by surrounding every spot around an area with people or by placing the correct number of people to match the uncovered number. You can also gain point by placing people in the windmill area of the game. Adam figured out how to get lots of points by placing seven of his people in one double scoring area and scoring that area twice. I don’t know if this game is good yet. I will need some more playings to finalize my decision.

Game #2


For the next game, we finally played a game by Friedemann Friese that I had owned for a while now. The theme is to survive over four game turns. You are either lucky and you find food or you must fight and kill your opponents to make food or you die. Its as simple as that. We struggled though the rules translation and started playing the game. Early on, Mike was unlucky. He must of smelled good because everyone picked on him. He definately tasted like chicken. In the last turn, I made a critical error and went from first to fourth. Gah! Still, it was an interesting game and I would not mind playing it again.