Pizza sexdux

Although I haven’t been continually blogging about my pizzas, I still have been chugging along. Can you chug pizzas? Err, never mind.

I have got most of the variables working together in some sort of harmony — at least a sort of non-discordance. But I believe that my dough is wetter than I would like. So my next step is to try a dryer dough. The recipe that I am using has a baker’s percentage of 62% (345 grams of water and 555 grams of flour). I recalculated the ratio to 58%. But there was an unknown in the pizza recipe that was bugging me. It called for 48 grams of sourdough starter. And I have no idea what the percentage of water is to the flour in my sourdough culture. Since I started a new sourdough starter (an Italian Camaldoli culture), I have been adding exact amounts of flour and water. For each feeding, I add 165 grams of water (3/4 of a cup) and 120 grams of flour (1 cup). This results in a percentage of 137.5%. So, in my recipe, when I add 100 grams of culture to the flour, water, and salt, I now know the exact amount of water and flour. I calculated that I needed to add 99 more grams of flour to get the final percentage down to 58%.

Pizza pictures after the cut…

Pizza picture #1
Pizza picture #2
Pizza picture #3