Game Day 05/03/2007

Blended cake

Adam tried out another recipe. Unfortunately, there was a cake malfunction. Two of them, from what I hear. So, to recover from the disaster, he decided to blend the results. And this is what turned out. He had an amusing quote when he explained that with so much cold butter in it, it had firmed up quite well.

Game #1

Pillars of the Earth

Finally I get to try this game out. Mike had bought the German version in December. But we never got around to playing it. Apparently, this game is based off of the story by Ken Follet. However, you do not have to read the book in order to play this game. This game was certainly interesting to play. It is a return-on-investments game where you slowly build up your victory point generation. There are only six rounds in this game. So, it should be a quick game. The only problems are 1) trying to figure out what workers to go after and 2) dealing with the randomness of the resource generation. With three amounts of three resources giving you nine cards, only seven of the cards are dealt out in a round. So it is possible to get only one amount of a resource in a round. And that resource could be the one that you are banking on.

Game #2


Another playing of this lightly meaty game for me. The game feels like it should play quicker than it does. We had Jon with us and it was his first time playing. And because of that, Ed left him alone and only picked on me. Which wasn’t that fair. Jon tried an interesting strategy by only placing huts for most of the game. Which made for a rather large settlement. But he would need to eventually split it up so that he could place more than one tower or temple.

Game #3


Once again, everyone bugged out early. So I played a two-player game of Battlelore with Adam. Adam had Iron Dwarves on top of hills. Which are hard to dislodge with my weaker Gnomes. I had some pretty bad luck with the Battlelore card (there is only one of these in the deck). Adam played it against me and was able to activate a lot of units. On my next turn, I played the card which performs the same action. I was only able to activate one unit with a horrible roll. And then Adam plays the same card that I did and activate a lot of units again. After that, we shuffle the deck. And what does Adam draw, but the only Battlelore card! Ugh! Flawed!!